Is Acupuncture safe?

Yes, absolutely! Acupuncture is a method to encourage the body to promote natural healing, thereby improving normal body functioning. The techniques used in acupuncture involve inserting fine needles at precisely identified pressure points on the body. Clean, sterile disposable needles are always used so there is no risk of contamination.

Does the treatment hurt?

The sensation of an acupuncture treatment is very rarely described as painful, though the experience can triggers other sensations described as tingling or dull achiness. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, tapered, and solid (non-hallow), unlike hypodermic needles used for injections. Hypodermic needles are sharp and intended to cut the skin (which can lead to sharp pain), whereas acupuncture needles do not cut the skin and are only a small fraction of the thickness in comparison. Acupuncture needles do not cut the skin, and patients often delightfully comment on the comfort of the treatment!

How Many Visits Are Necessary?

A normal course of treatment ranges from 3-8 visits, depending on the severity of the issue and individual responsiveness to acupuncture. In more challenging cases, 10 or more visits may be necessary. Post-treatment maintenance may require biweekly or monthly check-ins.

What should I do to prepare for a treatment? What should I do afterward?

It’s important to avoid going to a treatment on an empty stomach. Eat a good (but not heavy) meal beforehand, making sure to consume solid foods. Be sure to avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and soda before the treatment.

After a treatment, it is best to have a relaxing evening and stay away from anything that would cause extreme shifts in body temperature (hot bath, sauna, cold dives, etc).